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A&Q Administration Services

At A&Q Administration Services you run  your business, and we’ll handle your finances!!!
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Accounting and Payroll for Small, Medium and Large Companies

We can guarantee the peace of mind you need regarding your company’s books. Good accounting practice starts with accurate records from the source, and that means a good accounting process.


Tax services

Don’t pay more in taxes than your share. Make the most of all deductions and credits with our tax planning, compliance and preparation services.



Tax Amendments

Amendments are very frequent throughout the year, due not only to errors made during the preparation of your taxes, but also due to changes in your business.


Explore What We do!

Our business model is designed to be flexible, so we can provide you with access to a team of professionals according to your needs.


business accounting

Accounting is responsible for recording the operations and transactions that occur within an institution or company in a clear and precise manner of all income and expenditure operations.


Paralegal Services

The Paralegal (PL) assists with case planning, development, and management, legal research, interviews clients, gathers facts and retrieves information, drafts and analyzes legal documents and collects, complies and utilizes technical information, to make recommendations to an attorney.


Registered Agent

Un agente registrado es un individuo o una empresa que será el punto de contacto oficial de la LLC o la corporación en el estado para recibir el servicio del proceso, otros documentos legales y comunicaciones oficiales del estado, y reenviar estos documentos y comunicaciones a la LLC o corporaciones

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You Deserve One Of Our Best Lawyers

with 35 years of law experience